Oy, a little late in the game to be asking! (Part 1)

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 43068


We go .back into the wormhole to make plans and plots. Believe it or not, this next job will perhaps be even MORE difficult than the last! Yes, next stop the PK John universe!

But of course there just has to be more important business to bring up before we do that!

"Crichton, are you for bloomin’ real?" Walker blinks at John. "This late into the game and you’re NOW asking such a question?"

"Hey, I got MOST of it at the start but with everything going Warp one billion you gotta admit it was a bit . . . rushed!" Crichton protests, drawing back in consternation.


Actually, I’d been able to follow it well enough so I’m at a loss to what the frell Crichton’s not getting, now. But isn’t that always the case with him?!

"Warp one billion?" B’Elanna mutters, sharing a droll look with her husband and mate, Elrondir. "Moby Dick here’s supposed to be a Trekie fan and he doesn’t remember that top speed for warp drive is Warp 10? Hell, can’t even reach Warp 10 with normal warp drive but . . . ."

She goes on, whispering something that causes Elrondir to laugh while Crichton reddens (believe more over yet another whale joke at his expense than whis business about warp and warp drive), and me to wonder just what this warp business is all about.

Is "warp" anything like "hetch"?


"Look," Sovay the demifox female sighs before John can blow his stack. Can see she’s still a bit cranked from the way that gleebo version of Pilot (rude attitude!) treated her and us, but she’s holding onto her patience with both hands. "Before we go any further let us start from the beginning, slowly, and introduce ourselves again like it was the first time. That and tell in detail what exactly we are all out here to do if you want . . . ."

"Frell a detailed accounting," he mutters. "I just want to get a better grasp on you people, especially after our most recent hijinks here! Some of it . . . disturbs me."

Okay . . . Count slowly and don’t start yelling at him for being stupid, Chi . .. Aeryn-Pip. He’s just being . . . Crichton, that’s all.

Even though I sure wish he wasn’t being . . .

Nevermind, lets just get down to it!

The others look a bit annoyed at Crichton as well, so I’m in good company!

"You first," Chiana says, gesturing at Crichton. "Think that I’d like to here from youfirst, considering that you’re . . . sorta different from my Crichton. He never drew a gun on me, after all!" (re: 36744)


"Look, I apologized for that and…." Crichton begins.

"You first, dearie!" Walker snaps, giving the human a look that broached no argument. "Least you can do, isn’t it."

"Alright, alright!" he mutters, before continuing on sarcastically. "Hi!! My name is John Crichton! Astronaut . . ."

http://www .scifi.com/ farscape/ characters/ crichton. html

"Let’s not forget ‘guy who likes to overdo it with annoying pop culture references that only a few people besides those from 20th century Earth would get!" B’Elanna adds from the side. "Oh, and let’s not forget morose and moody despite getting his golden opportunity to undo one of the more haunting things he did, under or not magical coursing…."

Whatever John would have snapped back at the blonde elf (who’s sorta reverted to her old habit of not tolerating those who she consider foolish, just like the "original" B’Elanna I’m told later) is lost.

"Waita . . . minute," he blinks slowly. "Here I am thinking that yet another guy’s mindfrelled with me but . . ."

But he hadn’t figured out it had meant that what had happened meant what he’d done (or appeared to have chosen to have of his own free will) might not have been so?!

Dren! Gotta say that Crichton can be slow sometimes!!

"Very good, John." The Doctor says. "Glad to see you finally figured that little bit out. Surprising, really, for a man who watched so much Star Trek. That and to not have seen that. "Oh, little less sarcasm next, old chap, you rather almost overdid it last time with your quips."

Hm, seems that Crichton’s getting on other peoples nerves…. Including the Doctor, eh? Well, he can sometimes be that way. Remember how D’Argo and Zhaan (mine) had told me he’d been a bit irritating from time to time even before I came aboard. One time he’d gone storming off Moya, only to get left behind for a while when Moya went accidentally into Starburst due to that pregnancy. . . .

Frell, it had been so sad that Moya had lost the child soon after we’d visited that Base (unlike how it had happened with my sister, Chiana)….

"Uh, sorry…" he manages, befuddled. At least now we know why he’d been acting like a dranit, at least now.

"Right," the Doctor says. "Well, anyway. Now, as for me, I am of a race known to some as the Time Lords. They call me The Doctor . . ."

http://www .geocities.com /rule179 /CharacterBios /DoctorBios. Htm

"Now, believe me," he finishes up. "If we could have done what we’d done recently in a less . . . . well . . . questionable manner we would have. However, the time it would have taken to have explained all of what I’d just told you in ADDITION to just why we were aboard ship, to transform perhaps one of their very own into some kind of mystical crystal cube? Surely you could see just how long that would take, even IF they believed every word?"

"Oh yeah," he sighs, seeing it. "By the time we’d gotten that all out, accounting for repeating and repeating. Accounting for drumming up evidence . . . Yep, we’d all be in the PK clink of Crais’ Command Carrier by then. Yep."

"Hell, looking at it all they’d think we’d just be plain NUTZ," he mutters. "And of course it would come down to the same thing in the end. Taking it by force, but with a LOT less time since we’d . . . have been wasting our time explaining . . ."

"Yes, that IS why the Doctor known for putting things off sometimes by saying ‘I’ll explain later.’, dearie." Walker says quietly. "Ifn he took time out to actually explain everything to every Companion he’d had when they ask a question, the Doctor Who show woulda been done a LONG time ago because the baddies would have won and left by the time he’d finished up!"

Oh yes, Betty and Ragan had told me that. . .

"Weelll," Crichton coughs. "Guess that settles things so we don’t have to . . ."

"We’re not done," Inquirer interrupts. "While perhaps the others don’t need it, you DO have issues with me and the others from the Military."

"On no, really!" John says, shaking his head and smiling. "Don’t have any . . ."

"We do have wormhole weapons," she interrupts. "We have used them, somewhat reluctantly, but we have and WELL before we’d ever even heard of anyone from of IASA, not NASA, named John Crichton. Point in fact, nobody with the name of Crichton had ever been in any of our space programs, much less one who’d made it to the Moon."

Right, it was someone named Neil Armstrong instead of John’s father who’d been the first to land on Earth’s moon…


They have wormhole weapons? I’d thought Crichton said that his wormhole equations made such weaponry impossible!

Before she explains, she actually frellin’ introduces herself to John like they’d never met before . . . which is sorta what this exercise is all about? Introducing ourselves like everything reset to first time? Hm, kinda a drad idea, actually…sorta. . . .

"My name’s Inquirer," she begins, looking down at Crichton. "Semi- retired would perhaps best describe my relationship with the Military, but . . ."

http://www. geocities.com /rule179/ CharacterBios/ BiosMil.html# Inquirer

"Now," she finishes. "Could end by saying something like ‘Wouldn’t recommend riding outside the frellin’ TARDIS like I’d done.’ Won’t, though because I want to leave you with this in way of explanation for why the use of our weapons, at the end. You ever heard of . . .?"

She names some kind of "movie" from Earth (apparently from Crichton’s Earth by the way he reacts). Later, Betty and Ragan will tell me it's some movie that had never been made in their realities (figures, being that not EVERY frelling movie or story from one Earth will be found on EVERY other multi-verse version of that frelling drenheap)!!

  1. "But that’s ridiculous!" he sputters. "You’re telling me this Enemy came from some cheesy scifi flick from the 1950’s of MY world?!"

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