Just like a "Prayer"?

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 42981


"And now it's time for a Prayer?" Crichton (ala Season 4) sighs, fiddling with the Crais block in his hands before handing it back.

"That is what's next, yes." the Doctor says, agreeing. "Of course, even if your universe is still in the process of . . . change as Omega and Rassilon told us, we still cannot risk you stepping off onto that earlier version of 'Bizarro' Moya as you termed her. Unlike last time, your earlier self this time will be there in the flesh. We cannot and will not risk the consequences of you in effect arriving earlier in your own time line."

Oh yes, that business about what can happen was all layed out in that other Farscape episode Betty showed us: Kansas. Rather interesting show, Farscape!

Must beg Betty to give some copies of the show so I can watch....


Well, anyway, while it appears that the process of Assimilation in these Farscapian realities we're still needing to be careful. By Farscapian physics, it had been okay for this Crichton before us to visit that place we'd just left earlier in the flesh (ala Prayer) before his younger self (as seen in Unrealized Reality) came in spirit (and possessed the native John). Yes, things had changed enough, physics wise, to allow for this "unrealized reality" to apparently become a full fledged universe (vice just some kind of ghostly possibility, as I understand it. I think that Aeryn-Pip STILL thinks that "our" Crichton here, forgiven or not, is still "full of dren" for even suggesting she'd been only a possibility vice a fully realized entity). But an open question is how far has the Assimilation gone. At first, the Doctor had thought that the Farscapian universes were complex enough, rich enough in their physics to somehow afford protection against Whovian physics, but that has been wrong. The changeover had happened rather recently, as the Doctor now notes (but that's by the by).

The question here, like I said, is just how far along is the Assimilation. If it has gotten to be like in the Whoniverse where earlier and later versions of the same person can safely meet (dangerous business, but the Doctor had done that in The Five Doctors according to Diane Walker), then it would be okay for this Crichton to accompany us. But if not? Well, best he stay in the TARDIS (which is sort of a little pocket universe in a way, sort of outside reality). In here, Crichton isn't intruding on his earlier time line. Outside? It would count.

Would be bad business, that. Why borrow trouble?

But this business of unrealized realities?....

Nevermind, that's a question best left to the philosophers and scientists. I'll take magic any old day over this esoteric malarkey. Like this "science" business, but still . . . there are limits.


"Yes, while we would welcome your company in any other circumstances . . ." I begin.

"You don't wish to mess up the universe any more than I'd done that one time," he finishes up, completing my sentence.


Rather rude, him doing that. Then again . . . one must make allowances for the failings of others sometimes. At least he had done me the insult in calling me Lassie because of my fox ears and tail! Man might be oblivious to some things, but at least he's got enough aptitude to know how incredibly rude that'd be, thanks!

Could even be rather painful, you know. He (a powerful mage) can have a rather short temper at times (as those of the Synizn clan can be). That, God bless him, especially with those who'd insult him and those he cares for.

"So . . . he's gonna to be the 'stay behind in the TARDIS' kind of Companion this time, he is?" Walker nods, looking over at the frowning Crichton. "Well, dearie, sometimes that's the way it works, eh?"

"Yep," the human male sighs, getting up and stretching. "Right after this nap! Good God! No wonder there seems to be a backlog of newbie Champions needing chaperons back on your Terra Prime! If those other Quests are anything like what just happened back there, it's a wonder that your entire clan hasn't dropped over from exhaustion! Frell!!"

Hm, while rather profane (in Farscapian terms or not), there is more than a little bit of truth to that. We all need to retire for a bit to recouperate from that rather draining experience with that near miss with that FOD (finger of death) spell!

And we can do a few "other" things while resting, dear wife? my husband asks eagerly as we retire to our respective rooms, on a TARDIS still within a void between space/time.

As for what that means? What we did besides rest?

Do I really have to explain myself?


Later (or earlier, depending on how look at it)....

They had been watching in secret from the shadows (and such), but they cannot do so for much longer. They'd stood by when Scorpy had gone back to swooped down and grabbed the Hynerian, Rygel, but now?

Even Rygel, with all his faults, doesn't deserve that. Well, maybe, but it won't happen on the Doctor's watch, thank YOU!

  1. So, that is where Sigin comes in....

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