Stranger in a Strange Land & a Stranger from a Strange Land

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 42216

Fertal 1

"Come with me, Rowena." Inquirer sighs, tapping the shoulder of the young sisters of the Frederigo D'Honaire of this world. "I do believe we have things to talk about."

I guess I should have figured that there would be a possibility like this happening. The native version of my new sister, Rowena D'Honaire of Eternity Inc finding us. She's a sibling I'd not had before now, being that my siblings had all been male before, back on my homeworld. . . . back when I'd been human.

http://www. /rule179/ CharacterBios /BiosTerra 7.html#Rowena

So much spunk. So independent.

Only seen pictures of her, but what I've heard so far of her I rather like her.

Feel that I'm already liking this woman who jumps and gives off a shriek of surprise. Have chosen to see this Rowena as a sister and because of that my elfin heart chose to take the next step.

That's how it works for elves, you know. The heart is wise....

That is why I feel that Inquirer's quiet interrogation session with her will go well. Quiet this session will be because like the rest of us we don't wish to disturb those of us who need to sleep.

The Doctor watches on, silently tending the fires as we get from our unexpected guest just HOW she came upon us. . . .

Should have known. While not exactly allowed by the White Hand, the young girl had been able to finagle her family mage into casting some kind of spell similar to the one used to track down a missing brother (re: 7090). It's a compass, with a bit of blood on it, which is enspelled to point itself at Fred..... Maybe the native Fred it homed in on, despite him presently being a crystal block.

Personally, though, I fear I'm the one it is homing in on, despite my transformation. Blood ties still bind, despite my blood now being a non-human brand.

Just our luck she'd been on the road, part of some kind of family business affair when word had come of her brother's disappearance. Lucky us having been near enough for her (going off on her own, being the young stubborn firebrand she can be) to catch up with us!

Lucky for HER that no bandits intercepted her....

Well, nothing for it now . . . except perhaps . . . . Using this opportunity to pass along a final message that I wasn't able to do before my unexpected departure. Not like my little demifox brother can actually return home, even IF he (in the end) decides against joining my family back upon Terra Prime. Decide (if he's allowed) on remaining upon his world...

Might be very presumptuous, but I believe I'll deliver a good bye to his parents en passant, but it's more than anyone was able to do for me. Might as well...

Follow my lead, I say as I drop my magical disguise, revealing my true form.

"Fred?" she whispers, seeing an elf with inky black eyes which looks like the one she's looking for.

  1. As I'd hoped, it appears that this world never encountered Dark Elves, so she's not panicking (thinking she'll be killed in cruel sport).

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