One interruption after another after another....

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 42109


And so, in this forest somewhere within Aqualaria, we have a wedding! Do the vows in elfin, only leaving their parts in their tongue, but it's impressive enough for their tastes, do believe....

Well, perhaps later I shall ask, but I loath to interrupt them in their kissing.


Wow, do hope they come up for air here sooner or later!

Then again, now is as good as time as any.

While still embracing, the young newly wed demifox couple is transformed back into blocks. This time, the blocks don't clink together as if magnetized. This time, when demifox change, they are already snuggling up against each other as if "Super glued" in place.

Oh yes, dear readers, these demifoxes have it bad for each other!

Soon enough, the Champions are again flying high upon dragonback. Later, at nearly the end of the day they land to make camp for the night. Yes, they could fly through the night and perhaps reach where their ultimate destination on this world lay, but that would leave both dragons (Chiana and Sigin) in less than peak condition. Very sore, actually. Dragons are fine flyers. Great endurance, but this trip kind of had been a long flight. Long distances flown at fast speed equals sore wings! Equals two members of the party who'll perhaps be not as up to par as they'll need be, if they are going into a haunted ruins.

Actually, the place isn't haunted, but still....


Plan had been that, landing well away from Collin and camp out in the woods, well away from any likely interruptions.

Little did the Champions know that tonight wasn't going to be an uneventful night.

Then again, the Champions are seasoned enough to know that trouble usually arrives at the most inopportune times. Not like they'd all gone to sleep, expecting nothing to interrupt them. Guards had been posted, you know....


If it isn't one thing then it's another.

Seems like old "friends" (note the sarcasm) of the native Fred and Astra had been snooping around, trying to spy.

While I'm sure that this spy.....this dragon female named Moreau . . . .


Uh, look, how about if I just let you see what happened, okay? Instead of trying to jump to the end and then having to go back and backfill details on how it came about.

First, let me begin by reminding you that elves (both the Terra Prime variety like myself, Elrondir, and the more exotic variety like Artizza 1 and Fertal 1) need not sleep. Yes, while usually in situations like this, when traveling with human types (like Betty and Ragan) elves usually would spend times doing other things of interest (singing to the stars or spending "quality time" with their significant others) we elves make VERY good sentries. Couple that with Inquirer, a seasoned veteran herself in this department.....

Sentries that can hide in the shadows, all the better to watch for interlopers like the woman who's sneaking about, off a ways.

Good enough for a human stalker, I figure, but not at ALL a match for an elf in the stealth department! And sure as hell not in Inquirer's class!

  1. "Come with me, Rowena." Inquirer sighs, tapping the shoulder of the young sisters of the Frederigo D'Honaire of this world. "I do believe we have things to talk about."

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