Direction Problems

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 42182

"How do you get there?" Astra asked, rather surprised at how easiliy she was pronouncing some of this language's rather strange sounds.

"Oh, that's easy," said the passerby, a sleekly dressed merchant. "Take Kerrek street until you reach the corner of Kerrek and Virconium, follow Virconium until you reach the statue of Tavius the Liberator, then turn right..." He went on in quite some time in this vein. Astra realized that if she was not able to reach the street signs, trying to find her way around here would probably be hopeless.

Just then, Astra noticed something. There was a loud commotion with several passers- by running after a woman in tattered clothing, crying out "Stop! Thief!" The woman they were chasing was tall, slender, and blonde. She briefly glanced at Astra, and she could see that this woman had eyes of an odd silver hue. Perhaps this was Mercury?

  1. Astra follows the woman.
  2. Glancing behind her, Astra sees the robed mage who had attacked her, or someone who looks much like him.

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