Vincent Considers Normalcy - and Rejects the Concept

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 41636

"What do you mean?" Astra asked suspiciously.

"Well consider it, dear girl. Before hand, you were an impossibly beautiful woman, graceful and trained to be deadly with your weapons. You no longer have that grace, but you have strength in return for it. And I daresay you're no less deadly with a weapon than before."

"And - and what about the other?"

"The beauty part?" Vincent smiled. "This is a question of vanity, then?"

Astra flushed angrily - and guiltily. "That's not what I meant!" she growled.

"Really? Well, it doesn't matter. The point is, my dear, that beauty is subjective - you may not look as you once did, but you're still attractive to someone somewhere."

"Um, shouldn't we get on with this?" asked Fred. He knew Astra was incensed (and rightly so), but he didn't think arguing with their new leige would do either of them any good.

"Quite so, yes," Vincent said. "It's time and past time to get things started."

  1. Vincent waved his hands, and Fred and Astra found themselves transported back to the caves.
  2. Vincent muttered an incantation, and Fred and Astra found themselves elsewhere - but not the caves.
  3. Vincent snapped his fingers, but to his surprise, the duo remained there.
  4. "Actually, there is one more change I need to make before you leave." Vincent said as he cast a spell.
  5. Before Vincent could do anything, a bright light filled the room.

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