Why is this even happening?

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 41018

"What do you think?" saids Belboz as he pulled it out and touched it.
"Dude!" shreiked Fred "What are you doing? What sort of extrovert are you?"
"Oh come on," said the necromancer who hadn't finished touching it "Like you never do this,"
"Well when I do I'm a little more discriminant about the company I keep at the time," said Fred who had backed up against a wall "Like, no one!"
"Ah well," said the necromancer "What was your question again?"
"Look, forget it mate," said Fred and he ran off as fast he could.

  1. He tries to forget all about his ordeal.
  2. He lets it consume him and he sits on the ground and cries.
  3. He tells a police officer or a grown up.
  4. He gets strangely excited and goes back for more.

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