Vincent's Surprise Attack

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 40871

Windward had barely begun the process of readying the spell when the wall of the room exploded inward. Startled, Fred and Astra reached for their swords - and found to their dismay and astonishment that had none.

As they feared, two mostrous heads poked into the room, growling incoherently. Their leashes, cold enough to smoke, trailed back to the wizened hand of Doctor Preeminencius Emeritus Vincenzio Haroldan Maude Van Damme Uber Priceless.

"I should have known you were behind this, Sedge," Vincent sighed. "You never understood my plans - you'd rather see the world sink into slow entropy than lift a finger to right its wrongs."

"And this is how you 'right wrongs'?" Sedge asked. "By usurping the lives of four innocents to be your mindless pawns?"

"What are the lives of four against the world?" Vincent asked philosophically.

"If they'd gotten loose..."

Vincent shrugged. "I'd simply make more. Now, give me what I want, and I'll leave you in peace. Otherwise, Sweetness and Light here will rip this place - and you - apart."

"I think not. Defensium Energo!" Sedge shouted, and suddenly the beasts found themselves halted by an invisible barrier. Unable to comprehend what had happened, the two gave an outraged howl and began pounding at ut with claws and armored tail.

As Vincent and his beasts pounded at the wall, Sedge gestured magically, and Fred and Astra suddenly found themselves each bearing a sword of remarkable heft and sharpness, as well as a set of daggers and a sling. "There's no time to transform you!" he cried. "There's a portal in my chamber at the end of the hall - you must use it to get what he wants as far away from here as possible!"

"I thought he wanted us!" Fred exclaimed.

  1. "That's what I mean!" Sedge yelled. "Go, hide yourselves in a far dimension!"
  2. "No, take this!" Sedge tossed a small vial of sparkling red liquid at them. "He needs this! Take it to my brother, Dirk - he'll know what to do!"
  3. "No, take this!" Sedge tossed a glowing ball of crystal at them. "He needs this! Take it to my sister, Wilma - she'll know what to do!"
  4. "No, take this!" Sedge tossed a leather-bound book at them. "He needs this! Take it to the wizard who lives in the cave, the one named Belboz!"
  5. "You'll know it when you see it - it's with the portal! Now GO!!!"

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