Without Remorse...

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 40819

It is Scott's turn to serve. He accidentally serves the ball into his own crotch.

As the others laugh as Scott clutches himself in pain another voice breaks in form the side.

"Shit, now this is a first," the voice says just before he pulls the trigger on his weapon. "Not only is this 'Josh' jerk something else, but you're an idiot, Scott."

He thanks whatever (or Whatever) that at least He was different. He had power and he was going to use it . . . for revenge!

Quickly and without remorse, the Phobos phasor that Author Scott Chen has in one hand wipes out the existence of Josh, the other Scott, and Hawkgirl (not without some regret but she'd only get in the way). The other tosses something with a golden glow to it.

Reflexively, the Man of Steel catches it in his hands . . . but then again you don't WANT Superman (http://members. aol.com/ SprFriends/ bios- jla.htm# superman) coming into contact with Gold Kryptonite! Now reduced to a mere mortal, with strength on PAR with mortal men, Superman (no longer Super) gapes at what has suddenly befallen him out of thin air (exactly where Author Scott came from, thin air).

Still stunned, Scott easily uses his now useless (out of energy, the raygun) Phobos Phasor as a club and knocks Superman out!

He wants this one (a replicant of his target) as an ingrediant for a dark spell he's cooking up. Usually, he'd not have to stoop to such measures, but that Robot sure wore him out... If he wasn't so worn out, he'd use a better means than this. The spell would soon enough wear off and he'd have to use another spell (which called for a sacrifice of a close analog or whater) to make another trip.

Oh, wondering what that means? Well, this dark magic is all that Author Scott has left at his disposal to complete his Master's task for THIS part. It will only last for so long AND for one target, then he'll have to sacrifice another sentient in order to do his reality hopping yet again. Yeah, he has the Game 3 (or whatever) version of the Superfriends here, but they just don't fit the bill...

  1. So when the other groups of Superfriends (or whatever) come across the burnt up corpse of Superman . . . it's not like this'll be the only one they'll find. Other comrades of THEIR Justice League are AWOL as well...

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