The Orb of Zerm

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 40370

"What kind of project?" Astra asked gruffly.

"There's an orb, which was forged many years ago, for an unpeakably evil necromancer by the name of Zerm."

"Zerm?!" Astra all but roared. "I know that name well - he captured or killed my great aunt!" [Note: This was revealed in episode 232]

"All the better," Vincent smiled. "Zerm has not been seen or heard from for some time - he may, in fact, be dead. But he passed this orb of power along to his disciple, an equally evil man named Minestus, who in turn entrusted it for safe keeping to his ally and thrall, the dragon of the caves."

"The one I slew?" Fred asked.

"None other. But the dragon, whom you knew as the hellhound Velus, secreted it somewhere in his cave - and Velus's death has made that place no less dangerous. You, my faithful servant Astra, will return to the cave and retrieve the Orb of Zerm for me."

Fred stepped forward. "In that case, I shall accompany her."

  1. Vincent smiled. "And so you shall. For you too swore an oath to obey me while you were still Scissorhands."
  2. Vincent laughed. "If you truly wish to, you may, but I doubt she needs your help at this point."
  3. Vincent shook his head. "You'd only be an impediment, I'm afraid. But if you want to help her, I have another way."
  4. Astra roughly pushed him aside. "Who says I want your help, weakling? I can manage just fine without you!!"
  5. "No one's going anywhere!" came a voice from across the room. They all whirled about to discover an intruder.

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