
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 40208

Still barefoot, since neither guard's boots would fit her, but otherwise adequately attired and armed, Astra quickly made for the far end of the garden. She wished that she could have spared the time to dry off before putting on the guard's lederhosen and jacket over her drawers and undershirt (she had drawn the line at wearing a turban), as everything was uncomfortably squelchy.

At one point, an ornamental cherry tree was growing conveniently close to the ten foot high wall. That would get her onto the top of the wall. To get down on the far side she would probably have to drop and trust to luck.

She climbed the tree, and made her way along a branch and onto the top of the wall with no trouble. Peering down, she found it was too dark to see anything. She let herself hang by her arms from the top, so that she would only have about another four feet or so to fall, and then let go.

  1. Astra lands on her feet on nice soft earth.
  2. Sploosh! More water! Astra can't believe her bad luck.

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