In Astra's Dreams

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 3980

Princess Astra looked around her. She was surrounded by strange creatures that looked like a cross between gorillas and men. They were hooting, chanting strange noises that sounded like some sort of prayer. She tried to get up and realized that she was tied to a tree, with bonds too strong for her to break out of with her strength alone. They were probably going to sacrifice her to her god. How was she going to get out?


Fred shook off his disorientation and looked around. He was in a jungle, and he was not alone. He was between the trees surrounding an open clearing. In the clearing were strange creatures, hooting and grunting. And tied to the tree was a woman.

She was the most beautiful woman that Fred had ever seen in his life. She had shining blue eyes, eyes that showed fear (unsurprising considered that she was about to be sacrificed by ape-men, or at least that's what it looked like), but also resolution and determination. He lovely face was framed by a mane of flaming red hair. He body was both athetic and voluptuous, and also quite naked. Fred was not a believer in love at first sight, but if he was, he would have fallen quite in love with her.

Fred had to do something. He couldn't just let this woman die at the hands of these things. But could he take on these creatures with only his sword?

  1. Fred decided that he might as well risk it. He rushed into battle, sword blazing.
  2. Fred had a better idea.
  3. Before Fred could do anything, a man with grey eyes wearing nothing more than a loincloth swooped down from the trees.

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Oblivion (who thinks it's just about time for a Tarzan crossover. :)

2/13/2001 11:04:02 AM

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