Route 66

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 36354

It was midnight during a full moon. Scott Chen was by Route 66. On one side was rocky hills and the other wet swamplands. Scott walks north until until he hits a closed farmer's market perched around an off ramp. He breaks into a public restroom, drinks out of a sink and eats a pear left on top of a toilet lid. Gross. But it was fresh and he was hungry. And after that summer illegally working for those Peruvian mercenaries, he knew pears.
Time to move on.
A little way down the road was a bunch of teenagers getting high under an overpass. Scott talks his way into getting a ride to an all night homeless shelter.

  1. Scott gets a bed for five hours.
  2. The teenagers were too high and drop Scott off at an illegal Mexican fist fight. That's right, Mexicans fighting.
  3. Scott is mistaken for internet billionaire Joe Puppyeater.
  4. The truck breaks down halfway there in the middle of a demolition derby. Why did they take that shortcut through the arena?

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