Susan's New Type of Chess Sacrifice

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 35921

"Are you all right, child?" the Doctor asked.

"I think my right arm is broken," Susan replied. It now hung limply at her side, since any attempt to move it caused her agonising pain.

"It was very brave and very clever of you, but you shouldn't have done it. We must get you medical attention at once."

"I can wait till the end of the game, Grandfather. Don't let what I did be in vain."

"Very well, Susan. But let me know at once if you have second thoughts." The Doctor reluctantly turned his attention back to the game. "Knight takes Queen," he announced.

Josh moved to K3 as ordered. The Queen disappeared from the board, reappearing as an ordinary chess piece in his pocket in the same way as the pawn had earlier done.

Now the Black Knight on QB7 captured Human Fred, who promptly disappeared from their sight. Since that Knight could not escape from its corner without being captured, the Doctor ignored it for now. Instead he himself took the other Knight on KB3.

In material, White now had Queen and Knight for two Rooks and two pawns. Black still had a slight advantage in material, but his attack had been smashed. And White's remaining pieces perhaps had the edge in their positioning.

18 NxQ NxR
19 KxN ...

  1. Black's next move...
  2. Human Fred joins Human Astra.
  3. Black's retribution for what he sees as Susan's cheating...

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JH (brilliant idea, Keegan!)

11/10/2003 4:53:21 AM

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