The Chess Game Continues

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 35782

Josh showed the pawn to the others. "I wonder what will happen to pieces lost by our own side," he said. "The Black pieces don't have pockets."

"I don't know," the Doctor said. "It makes a sacrifice, even if it's the best way to win the game, a dubious proposition. Now I'd like to increase the pressure on that vulnerable Queen's Pawn, but the Knight is placed so as to prevent my moving the Queen to..."

"Don't say it, Grandfather!" Susan shrieked. "It might be interpreted as a move by our Queen, and you might lose her as a result."

"Thank you, child, but of course I'd never have made that mistake." The others weren't so sure. The Doctor continued: "Well then, let's develop the second Bishop, at the same time protecting the advanced pawn: Queen's Pawn to the third rank." The pawn smoothly slid forward one square.

The Black Rook now moved onto the King's file, to threaten Josh. There was only one possible square where Josh would not be subject to capture (though there were two more possible squares that would involve an exchange of knights).

7 P-Q3 R-K1

  1. As Josh had hoped, the Doctor moved him to the only safe square: QB4.
  2. To Josh's alarm, the Doctor moved him somewhere else.
  3. The Doctor ignored Josh, and moved another piece (or pawn).

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