No place affords a more striking conviction of the vanity of human hopes than a public library.

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 34887

Scott Chen has become over-stressed in the confines of the Staircase Room library and fainted dead away. Mitchell works to place him on one of the low-backed dark purple reading chairs. He props the man's feet up on a book cart and leaves him a bottle of water.
Then Mitchell returns to his duties. Let Scott recover on his own time. There's filing to be done!
With the filing done, what does Mitchell Sandowski do now?

  1. Filing of a different sort!
  2. Put his own feet up, drink some Gatorade, watch some funny cartoons on Youtube.
  3. Eat his taco salad while watching Despicable Me 6 on Interdimensional TV.
  4. Just sit around and stare.
  5. Check on Scott Chen.
  6. Flip through random books.
  7. Call his ex-girlfriend, Chris Genericname. But why?
  8. Pet the library cat, Exploding Bomb. E.B. purrs really loudly, then farts.

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