Exploding Bomb the cat

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 107572

The cat that lives in the in the Staircase Room library is named Exploding Bomb or E.B. for short. He is a rare Devon Rex, mostly white, with sand colored 'mittens'. E.B. has large blue eyes and wide upswept ears typical of his breed, making him look like something straight out of a Tolkien novel.
As of now, E.B. was perched on a Pratchett hardcover and staring wildly at nothing at all. Mitchell stopped to pet the silly cat between his overly large ears. The cat didn't stop his crazy staring but began to purr.

  1. Mitchell felt happy.
  2. E.B. farted.
  3. A window, far off, was obliterated by lasers.
  4. A supernatural threat entered.
  5. Scott Chen died.
  6. The rare threat, Scott Burbank, enters the room.
  7. From this point on, we never hear of Mitchell again.

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