Doth kill the dragon and wow thou maiden?

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 34704

Fred stared at the dragon. The dragon stared at him, cold, dark eyes fixed upon the meat encased in armour.

The dragon spoke. "Alas, I can talk, young knight. Life is a precious thing, and if you doth not leave my cave then sadly I would have to take one.

While Fred had been staring into the eyes of the dragon, he had not been paying attention to the dragon scooping up the beautiful lass Arabella. Fred gasped.

"And I didn't mean yours, brave knight. Leave this cave and I shall set her free. Take another step forward." The dragon smiled now, "And your fair maiden might just be 'accidentally' crushed."

  1. Attack the dragon and risk Arabella's life.
  2. Give up the quest but save Arabella.

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