Dragonslayer's Worst Nightmare

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 3461

"Dragonslayer?" a voice that sounds suspiciously like Sean Connery calls out, "Dragonslayers are not welcome here." Suddenly, in a puff of smoke, a feiry eyed dragon appears where the ruby-encased maiden once was. He rears up and breathes a jet-blast of flame at Lord Fred. Lord Fred hops out of the way, brandishing his sword. The metal blade suddenly seems puny and insignificant compared to this magnificent beast. The dragon raises a claw, intending to wipe Lord Fred away with a single thrust.

  1. Lord Fred raises his sheild to ward of the blow, and valiantly stabs at the dragon
  2. Lord Fred attempts to escape into one of the nearby passageways
  3. Lord Fred bravely awaits his doom

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