Bloody Murder

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 34062

Lord Fred, startled by the sudden appearance of the baby dragon, jumps back a pace and wets his codpiece. Looking down at the wetness between his loins, Fred growls both in anger and embarrassment. Foul beast, yells Lord Fred. You made me do this! he says while pointing to his sodden codpiece.

The baby dragon simply blinks its bright blue eyes and coos hungrily at Lord Fred. This only angers Fred more. Fred thunders, By gawd, I can't have any cooing infants around. I'm a great hero with a great job to do. I must slay the mighty dragon!

And with that Lord Fred lifts his sword and brings it down on the skull of the baby dragon. Lord Fred cleaves the baby dragon's head in two, spraying blood all over himself and the cavern walls. Lord Fred does not care. He grins stupidly as the helpless dragon baby's body falls lifelessly to the cave floor.


As Lord Fred gazes at his mighty conquest he decides what to do next.

  1. Fred butchers the baby's carcass for dragon steaks
  2. Fred hears the thundering roar of an approaching mother dragon
  3. Fred pushes deeper into the quiet cave
  4. Ranma Saotome took all of Lord Fred's clean codpieces, so Fred turns around to chase down Ranma Saotome

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Puck Goodfellow

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