CUTE BLACK GIRL has joined your party!

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 33351

The magical being has coalesced into the form of a cute black girl. Five feet tall, blonde highlights in her hair, well-muscled, dressed in green and white and carrying and enchanted axe that only cuts evil beings. Good beings it knocks out.
Anyway, the wizard and troll discuss the new companion and decide they cannot call her 'Cute black girl' all the time. Her new name is now Wanda.
Wanda twirls on her feet in delight. "Yay! I just know we're going to kill the dragon now! Let's go!"
Suddenly, pirates. Four of them. Scruffy, older males, all with mostly white hair and many scars.

  1. Fight!
  2. Use magic!
  3. Run away!
  4. The pirates are fighting with each other!

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