And Now the Second Part . . .

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 32983

Fertal 4

We'd been quick, but not quick enough. . .

The mage is dead, but the damning thing is that he did NOT go quietly (though quickly enough). Some might think that this was quiet too easy, us killing him. However, dear, you are looking over ONE very important fact.

WE STILL HAVE to GET out of HERE!! Get out and the CASTLE NOW KNOWS WE'RE here!!

This flashes through my elfin mind as everything seems to freeze around us and that "Agent" fellow shows up again.

Notice that only one other person here besides me and my love, Fertal 4, and that is that d*mn b*tch, Dreamwalker!!

I also notice that Agent 4 looks . . . tired right now. Like he is in dire need of a holiday?

I am, the tired reply comes from the Celestrial, who looks like death warmed over. I do need a vacation after this one last thing.

Agent 4

I am tired.

Not because of what the Champions have done. No. Rather, it's what I and several of my brother Celestrials have been tasked by the Higher Up(s).

And after this one last thing (besides the sincere, if hollow sounding "congrats" I'm going to give Artizza 4 and Fertal 4 here). . . .

Duty . . . It defines my (and my kind's) existence. That and frankly my Order counterpart. We cannot exist without the other . . .

Some of the things, in the line of duty, as you've already surmised. Some of it involved making things . . . Well, arranging the outcomes of probability that have made things interesting. Some of it has been very GOOD for some of the Champions, let us just say. Just the way it fell out, 'tis all.

Some of it . . . Was so tiring because what I had to do was really the purview of the Office of Order!! That's right. I had to actually create things in the Mortal Realms instead of shepard their eventual decline and entropic disintegration like normal! Namely, making the Solar Systems that this world now called Alyse (and others like her) is within.

Nevermind, 'tis not important right now. Wouldn't have done it, except for those Orders on High . . .

So, to business.

I do congratulate the newest of Champions, and then pause as I address Dreamwalker (who looks ready to collapse in fear of me). This is only between me and her, this next part. As such, only she and I are aware of this discussion.

See, she recognizes what I am. As awkward as it is, her Contract mention my kind (in one fashion or another). I fit their images of Chaos Agents to a "tee". With that, a lot of realizations just took place by her just seeing me. One in particular is she just realized what that jump from the time between her signing the Demon's Contract and her meeting Angar. Bottom line, she realizes that the Contract was real enough, and the Provisions of Payment (her soul) was real enough.

Through that Contract, despite it having been torn up, I still kind of feel . . . responsible for her. The Contract had bound her to my Office, if only for a short time. That's why I can, for her because of this opportunity (blessed by the Highers Up(s) with their permission, btw) I can do it.

For the next part, I'll just direct you to some past stuff that covers just why that is important (re: 25762) and the offer I'm allowed to make. I cannot return her to her home world and she doesn't want to go, anyway. Being that she shudders at even the slim chance of coming back as a dwarf via reincarnation. . . .

Yeah, that's right, she chose to become a child again. An elfin female infant, in fact. . . Terra Prime variant. Still has her silver tresses (or will, once her hair grows out). . .

Now, here's the trick. First the newest Champions have to be willing to get this elfin babe out of her and to safety. I let them know is Dreamwalker AND, without going into details, I let them know that her actions hadn't . . . totally been her own (more like that one Fred 8 with the Thaobath incident). This is the best I can manage, short of an all out war between the Office of Evil and my Office. Anything easier, and . . .

Ah, one last thing. This assassination was only the thing that got Artizza 4 and Fertal 4 into my (and the Rule's) Champion's ranks. Now, they have this Validation Quest. It is not fair, but. . . .

Basically, they need to get the child to safety on the other side of the Maelstorm Bridge. Then their Validation Quest would be done and the induction official.. .

Oh, better add one thing here, listener. While you cannot tell by looking at her, Dreamwalker the child's "genetics" are still in flux. Once her elfin heart chose her new parents, then it (the elfin equivalent to human DNA) will become a combination of the two lucky elves. And even I cannot tell who'll be that lucky couple! It's . . something that's not covered by me . . .

That they, vexed, ask me if I somehow arranged all this to take place. . . . Playing Fate . . . Well, let them know that I and my kind DO not do shit like that. We are NOT in the business of . . . Fate.

. . .

Well, some ill grace still evident, the bemused elves take the child (accepting what I've said, but still . . .) It is not within an elf's heart to turn their back on an elfin child in danger! Their numbers have been so few for so long that even the sickliest child is precious to them. Protecting elfin children is almost instinctive, now a day, for elves almost multi-reality wide. Strange but true! Let us just say that as a rule, that makes them accepting this Quest a given. Hey, if somehow Dreamwalker's elfin heart was to choose a Champion (!), then that's fine and well, AFTER the Quest is complete. Until that time, she'd still be just as vulnerable as the next infant . . .

Well, 'tis true that the Children of Champions are mortal until their 18th birthday (and only immortal if they chose to become Champions), but that's by the by . . .

That done, I bring the other Champions back into the room (they'd been unaware of their absence) See, for them it'd been between the ticks of this clock while I'd talked with Dreamwalker, Fertal 4, and Artizza 4. Just a formality, you see. Saves time and energy, addressing only the parties involved in turn. Now, this part involves getting the other's of Jarlath's group involved in this Validation Quest. See, in each Validation Quest there has to be (usually) at least one experienced Champion to aid the "newbie" Champion out. Something of a Mentoring Program, you see.... They accept, and I then leave...

Well, I'll let that go and get to my "holiday". Goodness knows I need it and I DO hope they succeed. It's out of my hands, now, though.

Fertal 4

Sighing, I and my love take the child . . .

. . . . and then . . .

Look into her eyes . . .

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