Theft Deterant Devices . . .

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 32492

Artizza 4

We wait until there's no-one about, and then Jarlath checks the wagon for magical traps, in case that's why the servants dare leave it unguarded.

Again, I have to swallow a lump in my throat as it again strikes me how big of . . . blessing these folks . . . my new family and friends have done me and "my" Fertal! Words fail to describe how thankful I and he are!

One thing for sure! I know which Court at least I will be joining after this is all said and done (if we succeed). Still not sure how Chaos and Order can coincide within "Eternity Inc". . . don't know how both causes can be served. Then again, Astra probably said it best when she said that chaos and order were just opposite sides of the same coin.

My love has already stated that he shall honored to join with his new family in Jarlath's clan and so shall I, joining with my fellow "analog" sisters.

But to do that, we best prepare for the task at hand. If I and my love were going it alone, the best bet would for us to somehow sneak into the castle on foot. That or somehow scale the castle walls. Both don't appeal, all considered. Wouldn't dream of such a stunt now with so many helpers (and some of them humans). Just would not work, but this scheme of Annafrid (a "co-wife" of my human analog sister?) sounds much more prone to work than what I and the others managed to suggest.

So after a quick checking of our weapons and equipment, there is only one last thing to do. That is, we elves need to fix our hair!

. . . .

Hey, look. I LIKE being an elf and like looking my best as an elf, but this is different! We have four elfin women and four elfin men who look the same. I must admit that Astra's suggestion that chosing a unique hairstyle for each elf is the best way to tell one from the other. In a tense combat situation, calling out to the wrong elf could prove disasterous.

I myself pretty much keep the hairstyle I'd inadvertantly got after getting it cut down to something managable. Just a touch up here and there with something called "scissors" (wonderful invention, those) to neaten it up. Think I'll keep this style after this is all over. Like how I look with it. My sisters chose their hairstyles and the Fertals finish up with their choses when Jarlath comes back.

He . . . looks a little singed?

"Jarlath," my love asks his newest brother (adopted or no). "Are you alright? Was there something . . .?"

"Nothing I could not handle," he sighs. "Almost amatuerish, really. That ward, though, would have been enough for a muggle, though."

  1. What's a muggle?

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