Bananas and Blow

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 3176

Fred, Scott, Brian, and Chakotay quickly form an alliance. They have major plans...

Within seven days, Fred and company have recruited nearly every character ever used within the confines of the countless* extendable story websites that have been on the internet since the beginning. Their next step was taking hostage all of the creators and writers that have been the banes of their existance for many, many years.

In a brightly lit conference room, fifty of the most well known addventure contributors sit tied up on the floor, all placed in one corner of the room with barely any room for comfort. Lord Fred kicks the doors open and strides up to the captives placed on the front lines. Not so coincidentally, the folks up front are those who have hosted extendable fiction websites.

"We've talked it over, and we are demanding more pay, more time off, more benefits, and most importantly, creative control." Fred says, producing a scroll of paper from his jacket. "These are our demands. Read them over. And remember, it's in your best interest to give us what we want!"

Fred lets the roll of paper unwind, and the captives notice that Fred and his allies have written up a list of demands nearly fifty yards long. Some issues were written in pencil, others in pen, and more than a few were written in crayon.

(*) More like a handful of addventure sites. Still...

  1. The captives give into Fred's demands.
  2. The captives refuse to give up one inch of ground.
  3. "Hey!" a prisoner yells. "We're tied up! How are we supposed to read this from here?!"

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Ben McClellan

10/11/2010 9:34:26 AM

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