Consequences of a Blood Red moon

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 3098

Camp was set in a bend of a high hill. The edges of trees blocked the sight of their fire from most angles. Andrea couldn't believe what she had walked into. The man was strange enough, a man who says he was killed, put together like a puzzle and then mended anew. The woman, from Aqualaria was worse, for she admitted to being cursed by the lupus. Andrea shivered, never in her wildest nightmare had she envisioned meeting one of the forsaken.

"I don't feel too good," Astra said to Fred.

He looked into the sky, but all he saw was the cloud-cover of a coming storm. "Maybe it's noth--" His words were cut off as Astra screamed and ran off into the night. He knew what was happening, there was no other explaination. He turned to the noblewoman and said, "If you have a weapon, get it." Then he unsheathed his sword, ready for the animal that would surely come.

Andrea was barely breathing, her dagger hung limply in her hand. She was no warrior. She couldn't help but wonder what madness had originally brought her to this place, she cursed at herself for it. Then a rustle in the bushes made her go still.

What happened next occurred too fast for the naked eye to comprehend. There was a growl and a scream. There was the swipe of blade and claw and the flash of blue fire. There were screams in the night, of man and woman and beast. Soon, there was only silence.

The day dawned. In the bend, behind the trees, was a camp. There was much blood everywhere, and one dead body. Fred stood surveying the scene and smiling, the blood seemed to brighten his mood. Astra lay sprawled upon the ground, trussed up like some pig with cords of rope. The corpse of Andrea lay atop her bedroll, torn and burned and ripped as if by claws.

"My, how things change, no?" said Fred to Astra. She only stared at him, her eyes showed no comprehension. She mouthed one word: "Why?"

"Why tie you up? You are a cursed creature, nothing better than a beast. You killed this girl here, though you were burned by her too. Damn that was queer! She lit up like a roman candle on the Beltine! She must've been a magic-user, good riddance! I don't much care for magicians and their like." He looked Astra in the eyes. "Yes, that's right sweety-pie, I don't like them and we're not going near that damned Belboz. We're going back home, my home. I've got a mission, you see. But first I think I'll drop you off with the King's whitecloaks. They hate werewolves, but I think they'll have fun seeing how one dies." And then Fred laughed, a laugh so loud and callous that it reminded Astra of dead leaves swirling in an autumn breeze.

  1. They begin the journey to the King's Demesyne
  2. Along the way to the King's Demesyne, Fred thinks of an even better way to torture the first victim of his mission of betrayal

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