Reconnoitering the Village

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 30795

Using their woodcraft, the four proto Dark Elves - Artizza 3 and 4 and Fertal 3 and 4 - get as close to the village as they can without being seen. That Artizza 3, fresh from unwittingly playing the role of Rapunzel, wears a long gown that sweeps the ground does not help her in stealing through the undergrowth, though at least it is in shades of green and so is not too conspicuous. The four are well aware that most humans look on Dark Elves with deep suspicion. Hence the skulking in the bushes. Sooner or later, though, unless they are prepared to steal what they need, they are going to have to reveal themselves.

"You should have brought your shorn hair with you," Fertal 4 suggests to Artizza 3. "I'll bet we could have sold it for a substantial sum."

Artizza 3 is already in a bad mood from having continually to unhitch her gown from twigs and briars. She gives him a withering look. "Have you any idea how much twenty or thirty feet of hair weighs?" she asks. "Rather than carrying it across the countryside, I'm just happy to be rid of it."

  1. Then things get stranger, when they spot a humanoid white rabbit as large as themselves.
  2. That's when some of the "independents" make an appearance.
  3. Meanwhile the Chanpions have managed to find their way to the tower where Artizza 3 was imprisoned. A mass of red hair lies on the ground beside it.

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