
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 2932

"But it isn't in the same place," Astra 3 protests pointing at a brown and dead oasis. "I'm almost certain that THAT is the oasis that saved our lives....or this worlds version of it."

"I see," Probe murmurs. He looks over and sees Sigin, in dragon from, making funny faces at Astra's children. The kids giggle and pat the smiling dragon's scaley snout and the dragon sighs in contentment.

"He sure snapped out of his funk," the AI murmurs to Demifox Synizn, who nods his shaggy head and smiles back at Probe.

"Was that REALLY necessary?" Probe asks in exasperation. "It hardly seems right, tricking him into love like that....unnatural ."

"Ah, but it WAS necessary!" Dragon Synizn, in human form, chuckles ruefully. "AND it's very natural.....for a dragon!

"See, dragons aren't humans with scales and wings," the dragon explains. "Yes, we may share some similarities....enough for comprehensible conversation.....but.....there are some marked differences. Besides the obvious, there is also the matter of....procreation! And I'm not talking about size or anything physical, mind you......."

Astra 3 and Fred 3 come over, interested in hearing about this subject. It might give them insight into their small, but loyal demifox friend....who was only a relative recent arrival to the kingdom of demifoxdom.

"See, to be frank, Probe," Dragon Sigin sighs, coming over (while magically floating the giggling rugrats over to their loving parents). "The ritual of 'Eye meets Eye' is instinctive need to find the correct type of who's....genetics meets certain criteria set down by nature. Once a dragon and dragoness subconsciously see that the time is right....and the right partner is out there...then Blamo!....instant love. The type of love that bards sing about, but never tell the truth about. See, the phrase of 'love at first sight' was meant for dragons."

"Aye," Fred 3 nods sagely, while rocking Theresa to sleep. "If a bard told a story about how dragons actually were the origins to that little cliché.....the scalawag would be lucky to just find himself a hostile audience. Lynching might be a more realistic response....sad to say."

<Malachi?> Dragon Fred asks, abashed. <If that's true, then how did know....>

<Well, it's love,> Malachi D'Honaire sends, mentally hugging the new dragon. <But even if I had a choice....I'd have done the same thing....knowing what I know about you. As for how it was possible for a dragon and a human it's due to the dreadful condition you found me in. A pain hazed dragon mind has been known to reach out and snag another....nondragon mind in Eye meets Eye. Sadly, this usually leave the unfortunate human or whatnot heartbroken....for the dragon or dragoness that Eye meets Eye happened with.....was moments away from death and in agony. But as I said, that's almost like a lighning strike....since the Eye meet Eye still does a....compatibility check.>

<Our love of honor was the deciding factor,> Fred says, making a connection. Malachi mentally nods, an they both smile.

Probe and the non-invisible adventurers finish listening to Dragon Synizn talk about just that subject about misfired Eye meets Eye.

"There is one theory going around," Demifox Synizn murmurs. "It concerns the nature of Dragon Familiars.....very special familiar, my friends, who are more beloved friend than a with regular wizard familiars."

"Doesn't that concern an animal who already had with their master?" Dragon Sigin murmurs. "Isn't this the theory expoused by Greywing the Mad? How a dragon....infected by lycanthropy, could be FORCED to have Eye meets Eye with a would be.....mate of the mundane version of their new form?"

"The same," Demifox Synizn mutters, shivering. "He actually TRIED that. Last I heard he's happy running with his new pack of wolves....."

Probe mutters something scatological, and then directs the other's attention on the Tower.

" do we get inside?" the AI asks innocently enough. Fred is about to tell him about how he and Astra got in LAST time....on his world.....when.....

  1. "THIS.....WAY!" a booming voice shouts from the Tower.....and all goes white for THEM ALL....including certain Circle members who just happened to be keeping contact via spell. This...poses problems.

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