You have entered another dimension.

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 29139

Fred could not believe that this had happened. If only he'd picked a better movie, Karen might still love him, and his life might still have meaning. There was still Bethany, but--no, there was no way any woman could possibly love him. He cried, wailed, lamented, and beat his breast.

The cosmic entity sitting next to him, cleverly disguised as a piece of shrubbery, was rather tired of it. He had come here to prevent the destruction of the universe, and he did not want to have this idiot human around to distract him. He wiggled his ears (wiggling one's ears is a great source of cosmic power) and before Fred could figure out what the strange shaking in the bushes was, he found himself pulled into a dimensional vortex.

This is emphatically not a pleasant experience. He spun around and around and around until he was about to go sick. It made him feel like he had when he'd tried to go on that roller coaster on his first date. He'd thrown up all over the girl, and she had refused to ever speak to him again. Fred was starting to see a pattern here.

The vortex itself was a place through which drifted a million types of strange creatures. It was an extremely ugly shade of yellow that made Fred's head hurt.

  1. Fred lets the vortex pull him down to his destination, wherever it may be.
  2. Fred sees what looks like a human woman drifting through the dimensions nearby. He tries to "swim" over to her.
  3. Fred found himself back with his first date. Although since this was an alternate universe, some things were different. The sky was purple, and the world was ruled by a supercomputer.

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