Lord Fred to the Rescue

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 2661

The truck which is carrying a tied up Sir Josh as its primary cargo reaches the Proving Grounds for Computer Geeks. The driver steps out of the truck and walks into the building.

Then Lord Fred emerges from the woods, climbs onto the truck and cuts Sir Josh's bonds. "Here you go, Sir Josh, let's get out of here!"

Lord Fred and Sir Josh jump out of the truck.

  1. Lord Fred and Sir Josh slip into the woods before the driver of the truck emerges from the building.
  2. Lord Fred and Sir Josh are spotted fleeing into the wood by the dump truck driver and several employees of the Proving Grounds.
  3. Sir Josh hops into the cab and drives away along with Lord Fred.
  4. Sir Josh takes Lord Fred's sword and slashes the truck's tires before they attempt to flee.
  5. Josh decides that this is his lucky day after all.

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7/8/1999 5:32:52 PM

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