Morph Doc

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 26313

Fred supposed the pirates accepted the morph because of the attractive female curves. It obvious, even behind the bushy fox tail and the clean, crisp doctor's coat reaching her knees that she had hips fit for birthing many, many cubs. Attractive human legs continued to the point where there was an extra joint between knee and ankle. There, shortened blue pants gave way to burnt-senna colored fur and eventually, paws the size of dinner plates.
The doctor turned around. Cheerful blue eyes smiled above a small projection of a snout. Black and red ears swept backwards, both bedecked with two earrings apiece, none of them identical.
"Hello!" said the doctor as Fred gallantly tried not to look at her impressive female attributes pushing against a sea green silk shirt. "I see you're awake. Now, as you probably figured out, you're on the sick bay of the Dread Pirate Lots' ship."
Fred looked around. "It's remarkably clean, quiet and well stocked for a pirate ship."
"That's what all the prisoners say." the doctor smiled. "Lots figured out some time ago that the more he keeps his pirates healthy, the more booty he scores. Aaargh. Booty. Lots is so silly."
Fred is checked for bumps and brusies. The doctor introduces herself as Zed, a morph from a far off island that had taken pains to keep to itself. She took the job as a way to influence the pirates not to be so bloodthirsty and...well, in exchange for the pirates not to loot her island home.

  1. Suddenly, an attack.
  2. Fred asks why such a female as Zed trusted being on a pirate ship of men. She grinned, displaying massive, pointy teeth.
  3. Fred is overcome by darkness again, from his wounds.

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