Fred Is Rescued from the Sea

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 26078

Fred found himself dragged on board a large sailing ship. The burly men who had fished him out of the ocean were quite surprised at finding him out there. Soaking wet, his armor feeling like it weighed an extra 200 pounds, and his mind nearly overwhelmed by his sudden transportation far, far away from the Southern Caves, it took a while for Fred to get himself together.

"Here now! What's all this?" a commanding voice called out to Fred.

Looking up, Fred saw a man who he immediately took to be the captain of the vessel striding right toward him. "You there, what were you doing drowning out in the middle of these here seas? Where's your ship? Why'd it sink? Are there any other survivors?"

Fred weakly shook his head before he finally found his voice. "No, uh, no others. No ship."

The captain gawked at Fred and then turned to one of his men. "Get the doctor. This man's in shock. He doesn't know what he's saying. Doc's gonna need to take a look at him." Fred held up one hand to stay the man and said, "No, wait. I'll explain everything. I know it'll sound very strange to you, but I assure you that I know of what I speak. I am not muddled or befuddled or awry in the mind. But first, please tell me who you are."

The captain rolled his eyes but answered him politely enough. "My name is Chesterfield. I'm the captain. And this is the good ship Seawhirl. We're a merchantman out of Collinsport in Allaria. A storm blew us off course, but we've got our bearings now and are heading to the Bokh'ainer Archipelago. And now that you know who we are and what we be doing out here, do you mind telling me your story."

Fred's spirits jumped upon learning that he'd been rescued by an Allarian ship and he joyfully explained to Captain Chesterfield that he was Lord Frederigo D'Honaire. Everyone in Allaria knew that he'd been chosen to be the Dragon-Slayer and upon saying his name Fred saw that the men of the Seawhirl were no different. But he just as quickly realized that they didn't actually believe his claim.

"If you're the Dragon-Slayer, why be you out here, instead of hunting down the Dragon in the Shreken?" the captain asked.

"I was tricked," Fred answered, his voice deep with hurt pride. "I came upon an enchanted chest, and once I grabbed ahold of it I was instantly banished from the Caves. I can only thank the Gods that you were here to rescue me. It was quite fortuitous."

At Fred's words, Chesterfield's face screwed up with great surprise. "An enchanted chest you say? Can you describe it for me?"

Fred did so, in as minute detail as he could. And when he was done the captain gathered some of his men together and spoke to them in hushed whispers. When they were done, Chesterfield turned back to Fred and said, "We believe your story, Lord Fred. For indeed, none but a sorry few know of that chest whereof you speak. And I tell you this as well, it was not luck or grace that set you in my path. For you see, the chest belongs to me and my blood and long has it been sundered from my house. But even so, its tie to me is a bond that cannot be broken. It calls to me as I call to it. And you have tasted but the smallest tithe of its power."

Fred started as he gazed at the sea captain, for as the man spoke of his chest a wild look came over his face. A look wild and dangerous.

"Your tale is most strange Captain," Fred said carefully. "But I for one do not look askance at such wonderous happenings. But please, tell me more of your chest and its power."

The captain shook his head. "It is... a private matter. And one not to be lightly shared. You need simply know this -- the chest is mine. And you are going to take me to it." Turning back to his men, the captain shouted out, "We sail back to Allaria! Hoist all the canvas we've got. A dragon be waiting for us and I don't mean to keep him waiting!"

  1. The Seawhirl surges forward and Fred begins his voyage back home...

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