Here comes the SUN!

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 2537

Master and secondary vampire scream in agony as the light of the noon day sun shines down upon them. The area where they stand is lush and tropical, a paradise. Yet, this proves to be of no comfort to the burning demons.

Inquirer blinks as the last remains of the human torches burns away and flutters away into the gentle breeze.

I guess I would be really hurting if I'd let that other vamp--the one who seemed to be the boss of that Fred analog--complete whatever chant he was trying to do. He sure seemed to be surprised when whatever hand signals he made didn't work on a creature not technically alive to begin with! thinks the AI grimly.

She then turns, and runs over to the downed human beings. Sudden locale changes will wait, for the injuries these two recieved demand immediate attention.

The brown skined, green eyed woman seemed oddly....familiar. The other was definately familiar....and also very dead. Surrpisingly, not due to blood loss.

"What?" the AI mutters, looking down at the black rotted corpse before her. "That shouldn't be! She's immune! Or, at least her sisters are!"

That aside, there are things to take care of!

This woman is too weak to move, and will remain in a critical condition until Makers know how long.

Inquirer makes her reports to her superiors who are in orbit above, and begins to set up camp.

  1. This is going to take awhile......and somewhere else on Terra, Base reality.

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