Pronky Solves Candy's Problem

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 25236

While a trip to Mistress Candida's was always diverting, Pronklezilch was currently pre-occupied with his lead/gold experiments and didn't feel he could spare the time. However, he could take care of Candy's little dilemma from here without even leaving the relative comfort of his armchair.

Closing his eyes, Pronklezilch twiddled his fingers and mumbled a spell, then clapped his hands three times. There, he thought, That ought to do the job properly. Hmmm - was that supposed to be four claps or just three? Three - yes, most certainly three. And with that, he returned to the conundrum that seems to occupy the time and effort of so many magic-wielders.

Just then, at Mistress Candida's Bawdy House (for such was its name), Candy herself was in the foyer, pondering the lavish (if somewhat inappropriate) gift that Pronky had bestowed upon her, when a series of many-colored lights burst overhead. Within moments, the lights faded to reveal:

  1. The statues had vanished.
  2. The Frederigo and Astra statues were again alive.
  3. The Frederigo and Astra statues were again alive - but everyone else in the brothel had been petrified.
  4. The statues of the angry man and the alarmed woman had been joined by a third - a confused looking Candida!
  5. The statues' expressions had changed to something more friendly.
  6. The figures had changed - they were now statues of a pair of skimpily clad bawdy girls.

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