
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 23995

Fred finds himself on the battlements of a strange fortress on the top of the mountain.
Rumbling comes from deep below, hopefully not to bother him.
The stones were old and weathered but still of high quality. Properly staffed, this place could hold off an army.
The outer walls were a bit higher then the inner ones, with archer slots, areas of boiling oil pots and quite a few other ways of defeating the enemy. Fred even found a few sheets of portable rusted metal. Dropping them over the side, they would hook on and make it more difficult for siege ladders or hooked ropes to gain a purchase. (That is, of course, if they hadn't been rusted through).
Fred's careful exploration of the battlements (made easier by the bettering weather) uncovered a grisly sight. In a recess built into the far wall, where a man could wait to ambush wall-climbing invaders, was a man long since dead. With a sword of much better quality then Fred's was.
Fred was in a pickle. Disturb the dead or not?

  1. Fred declined to disturb the dead.
  2. Fred reasoned that a noble man would want the dragon gone and Fred took the sword. Nothing bad happens.
  3. Same as #2 but something bad happens.
  4. Fred, still in doubt, touches the sword and is transported back to the battle that killed this man.
  5. Fred's stomach rumbles, startling a nearby monster.

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