Barrel Roll Polka

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 22256

Fred is astonished by what happens next. The Dragon clumsily flies up in the air, and goes into a nosedive. But amazingly, the nosedive turns into a perfect barrel-roll as the creature lands…no longer a hideous beast, but suddenly a beautiful woman!

”Princess! You were telling the truth!” Fred kneels in front of Astra in reverence.

”Oh, get up!” orders Astra. “They’ll be plenty of time for groveling later. We need to return to your King and tell him that the Dragon is slain. Don’t worry, I’ll try to find time and mention your minor role in everything. Now then, you look badly hurt. Can you walk, or should I carry you?”

Like most women Fred has met, Astra is significantly less attractive upon opening her mouth. “I’ll be just fine, m’lady. As for us, Checkers, old chum, our quest is at an end. If you’d like you can come back with me to Suffex where you can dine on the finest peppermint-“

”Uh, who are you talking to?” asks Astra.

”My partner in this quest, Checkers.” Fred looks around. “Hey, where is Checkers?”

Indeed, Checkers was nowhere to be found. But even more disturbing than that, the body of Belboz had also disappeared!

  1. Fred and Astra search for Checkers.
  2. “Eh, what can you do?” Fred and Astra return to the King.

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Sir Paulito

12/3/2002 9:01:41 AM

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