Kingly Matters

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 21289

Fred's former ruler, King Emry, was visiting the Three Kingdoms on a diplomatic mission. And horrors of horrors, he was going to patrol the small fort that Fred was a soldier at! There were only seventy soldiers! The king was bound to see him and recognize him.
And while relations between the two territories were bad, Fred knew, via news scrolls in the town hall, that the King could easily demand Fred be returned to face charges of treason.

  1. Fred is recognized and slapped in chains.
  2. The king does not recognize Fred though they meet face to face.
  3. An emergency pops up and a ten man squad is sent to rescue a lost villager. Fred 'volunteers'.
  4. Luck is with Fred. The soldiers assemble at the wrong angle and the sun is in the king's eyes.
  5. Luck is with Fred. He gets to wear the new ThunderSoldier helmet, which covers the entire face and limits the field of vision. He knocks his head on an archway.
  6. The king recognizes Fred. He whispers 'Come back to my realm and you're dead'. Then he continues on.
  7. The king recognzies Fred. Then zombies pour over the wall. Fred recognizes the purple light of a silent spell, which goes away under visual spotting.
  8. The king wants Fred returned. Not to have him killed for treason, but to marry his daughter Exotica.
  9. It's royalty and the millitary. After two hours of standing around, the soldiers learn Emry went to a western base two hours ago.

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