Fred Finds Someone

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 1995

Fred traversed a tree-lined ridge, a dry stream, a rockslide, a landslide and several underground tunnels. He emerged onto a beach. The other side of the island.
"Well." he thought to himself. "Some explorer I am."
Fred noticed something. Under the palm trees that bordered the rocky land and the wide expanse of sand were two people. They sat on rocks, surrounded by shadow, facing each other, engaged in a heated conversation. Their body shapes seemed familar. Fred hung back behind a lichen covered boulder. He was wary. No telling what could happen on this island. He had heard of similar quests encountering all sorts of strangeness.
Suddenly it came to Fred.
These two people were...

  1. two slaves he had brought with to help carry supplies.
  2. Velus, the ship's cabin boy and Lady Astra, the king's mistress!
  3. no, not them. Fred looked harder. Who were they?
  4. zombies!

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