Holy Sword Quest

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 19642

Unfortunately Fred's quest starts out bad. It was planned to start out well, with half a dozen of the kingdom's best men brought together to stand with Fred and fight by his side.
This turned out to be a foolish idea for the Demon Sorcerer had a suicide bomber take down half the palace. If that wasn't bad enough, ten thousand Temp Soldiers (they only existed for half an hour) attacked.
Fred escaped. In the chaos, several others escaped with him. Since Fred was a noble knight protected these strangers until they rode well away from the chaos and found shelter in the caves under the Ponds Of Andalay.
Six people ended up with Fred. It would have been seven but an actual bad guy, now decapitated, had shot an arrow into one of the group.
There was Medera, nurse in the castle infirmary. She had brown hair down to her waist and knew how to curse in fourteen languages. She was currently bandaging the superficial wounds of Tessa, a waiter who served in one of the public resturants hosted in the castle walls. Tessa was going to college and had planned to become a Studier Of Animals. Her term paper was on the relationships of eye colors of animal parents to the eye colors of their children.
Faus was one of the many soldiers stationed at the castle. He had helped Fred kill the arrower. He had a jutting chin, thin eyes, thick muscles and a streak of white through dark black. He was only twenty but the skills he showed made Fred glad he was on his side.
Lady Antwoin was a half-elf in charge of the king's meals. Her title was only in name only, for she avoided the snooty airs and tight clothings of the 'normal' ladies. She was tall, solid as a rock under a loose pink shirt and black dress. Fred couldn't even began to guess her age, though there was no sign of wrinkles.
Stan was one of the king's librarians. Fortunately he wouldn't be too much of a liabillity. The King had all able bodied men train in the fighting arts and Fred had seen Stan throw around larger men like they were tenpins. It was something to do with 'juder', which used the opponent's strength against them. In fact, Fred had been planning to learn more of this 'juder' before the quest began.
The last had been Ambassadorial Assistant Andrew Carnagie. He was one of the Craw'l, an ancient race who prefered to live deep underground and not bother anyone. With the blood red skin, the dark purple hair over his limbs and the pure white eyes, it would have been hard to tell what age he was. Excepting he was clearly acting like the fourteen year old Fred knew he was. Sobbing quietly in a corner and moaning the name of the others he knew that did not make it.
As Fred watched, Medera went over and put her arm around him. He did not quit his tears but they lessened in volume.
"Now what?" said Faus to Fred. The others looked at him.
"You know of the quest?" Fred asked. The others nodded.
"Are you with me? We may be the last hope for the kingdom."
"I will fight at your side!" declared Faus. Antwoin gave assent. Medera and Tessa nodded also. Andrew sniffled back a tear and declared he would do what he could. If anything. Stan stood and said emphatically, "Whatever is needed to be done to defeat our enemies, you can count on me." The effect was destroyed by his voice cracking on the last word.
Fred paused, thinking.

  1. "We stay here for the night."
  2. "We must get a move on. It's been thirty minutes but as we unfortunately all saw, real enemies still roam. I do not believe this is a safe haven."

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