Opening a can of worms....and maybe closing one.......

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 1845

And the fairy tale continues.......

The were-jackal who had once been the king of what used to be called Ethiopia crouches behind a rock as the ship that contains his errant daughter. His anger at finding her still alive, and not in the Happy place where she belongs has caused his body to transform into the intermediate humanoid jackal form. This will work fine for him, considering the advantages a fusion of the two forms brings: sharp teeth and claws along with the fine manipulation possible with hands (say.....thrusting a sword to kill those who would stop him).

All the King needs to do is to stay downwind of those nasty little animals, Natthias thinks as he holds back a giggle. Stay out of sight of those beady little eyes.....and I can give little Alicia the reward she deserves. She'll never....EVER......have anything bad happen to her again in the Happy place! I just need to get to that bend in the river ahead......

************************************************************************ **

"God damnit," hisses Willian softly, avoiding his voice from carrying to the sharp ears of the crew. "Fred, what in the Hell did you think you were doing saying those damn things to Alicia! What is this crap about you and her being monster?!"

Frederigo D'Honaire, son of the Duke of Suffex, stares at his cousin in anger and confusion. HE of all people should know about where Fred is coming from! Yet, the way he and Astra are glaring at him......Fred sees that they have "A bee in their bonnet." as the saying goes. Alicia is off to the side, chatting away with Ananka about something.

"Isn't it this 'curse' that you and the others probably the only thing that keeps them and you from curling up and croaking?" Will barrels on, whispering. "It IS! My parents are dead.....they didn't even wake up the day the Phage struck! Thousands......Hell!.......millions and millions are dead because of the Phage. You being alive while others are NOT is not an abomination!" Will stomps off over to a spot beside Alicia. Fred swears he can smell his cousin smolder from here!

"But....." Fred begins. Astra cuts him off.

"Do you feel the urge to go out and kill?" she whispers. "To go out and smash or smother the breath of those infants who are defenseless? I rather doubt it. I know that my gods wouldn't think you an abomination just because you happen to wear the skin of a different form that what you were born with! I through Will with the theological arguments we get into from time to time that YOUR God doesn't view you as a monster! By the Horned One! The ones that are monsters by far is one who wears the skins he was born with! Your father......."

Fred starts at the mention of his father. Then he starts again as he hears a hoarse scream and an sickening cracking sound. The world slows down to a crawl as Fred watches a soaking wet humanoid brown furred were- jackal step past the collapsing form of Willian (who has a look of agony on his face). It is in the process of bringing down his sharp clawed hands in a swipe that will lay Alicia's throat open! An intarticulate scream of rage tears it's way through Fred's throat! A monster was trying to end the life of his beloved Leaping Stream! A fiend was trying to silence his Soulmate that also carried his as yet unborn children!

Now, lycanthropy is a strange thing. It not only warps a humans body into different shapes and shifts the mundane person into the realm of the can also allow feats incredible feats......given the right stimulus. Just as the feelings of anger and insanity speeds the motions and reflexes of the former king of to does Fred's rage (which then turns into a cold determination as the world slows down even further for the were-fox).

The were-fox can see that he can't get to Alicia in time to check the blow of the claw.....but something that he carries can!

The broadsword that had been forged in the smiths of Panaras, under the watchful eyes of Fred and Willian finds itself in Fred's furry hand. While both agreed that now that Minestus was apparently dead that weapons forged of Dragonbane is probably overkill, this mad new world one can never be too certain of anything totally! The sword leaps from the manimal's hand like it has wings and flies straight and into the side of chest of the enraged were-jackal! The force of the blow LIFTS AND NAILS the maddened beast into the rail. There is an audible cracking of ribs as the hilt of the sword meets the ribs of the were-jackal! The beast struggles weakly, and manages to dislodge himself from the rail and sword with a spray of blood and entrails....only to fall into the waiting waters of the river below. His body sinks below, leaving a spreading pool of blood....and bubbles.

However, this is of no interest to Swift Foot/Fred! He must SEE that his Leaping Stream/Alicia is safe! In a flash, Fred is by Alicia's side! A glance tells Fred that his love is alive and unharmed! He then looks deeply into her lovely eyes, and feels her soul touch his! The two fall into each other's arms and cry and laugh in relief. Furry cheeks rub together, aware of only the other.....and their love for each other and the two children that Alicia carries.


  1. A strangled sob brings the were-foxes back to the world around them. Astra is sobbing over the groaning form of Will. Ananka looks up at the foxes....and looks grim.

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