We're Going to Need a Nursery - a Very Big Nursery!

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 18439

The next day, as Captain Kirk consulted Fred about sending a coded message to Starfleet command apprising them of their situation, Dr. McCoy came to the bridge, his face set in grim perplexity.

"Bones. Any change in Spock's condition?"

McCoy shook his head. "No, he's still locked in that same mental state. He's not any better - but he's not any worse, either. But that's not why I'm here."

"Well, what is it, then?"

He handed Kirk a padd. "The results of our tests. Looks like Uhura here was just the tip of the iceberg - 126 female crew checked, 126 pregnancies confirmed."

Kirk scanned down the list, his face registering outrage and confusion. "Bones, this can't be right - Lt. Commander Rutkoswki is 62 years old!"

McCoy nodded wearily. "Right. And Ensign Gibson has had her tubes tied. And Lieutenant T'Thal was rendered sterile due to a radiation leak aboard the Halsey three years ago. There are a total of 29 females who absoulutely, under no circumstances, should never ever be able to get pregnant - and yet there they are, expecting a child right along Uhura and Chapel and the others."

Kirk fell silent for a minute, contemplating this new piece to the puzzle. For her part, Fred wondered - was the sinister voice that had brought her here responsible for all this? Or had it just placed her here at an inopportune time?

Finally, Kirk started pacing. "It just doesn't make any sense, Bones," he exclaimed as he smacked his fist into his palm. "What the devil could make 126 women - Human, Vulcan, Rigellian and Denevan - pregnant at the same time without ever laying a finger on them!?"

"That's not the end of the mystery though, Jim - we may be in more trouble than we originally thought."

Kirk turned to look at him. "What do you mean?"

  1. "Ensign Chao from geology was already pregnant - but her original fetus is gone, replaced by one like all the others."
  2. "You know how men can't pregnant either? Well, I did a spot check of a few of the males who visited Livingston IV's surface, and guess what?"
  3. "It seems that all the women are undergoing some sort of genetic change. It's a slow one, for now - but it may accelerate in a matter of weeks, or even days!"
  4. "I've begun picking up brain wave activities from the unborn children - impossible at 6 weeks. Even worse, each brain scan is exactly the same!"
  5. Before he could answer, a group of crewwomen burst onto the bridge, brandishing phasers.

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