Lord Ripples The Goose

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 1835

Lord Ripples leads Lord Fred over to a panel of rock that rose out of the floor.
"There. Now we can talk. I hear you are Lord Fred, come to slay the Dragon." Ripples jumped onto the table to get a better view of Fred.
"That I am. I met Velus, yet...I need better intelligence."
"Indeed. Me and Velus do know the way around these caves. If you need a companion to guide you, I suggest taking me with you. I am a trained Lord. And Velus is always useful around here, making sure the animals less able to communicate are well-taken care of."

  1. Lord Fred quests forth with Lord Ripples.
  2. Lord Fred quests forth with Velus.
  3. Lord Fred quests forth with Lord Ripples and Velus.
  4. Something else entirely happens.

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Lots "Please don't squeeze the Ripple" 42@aol.com

7/20/1999 2:56:34 AM

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