Vulcan Down!

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 18297

Dr.McCoy rushed to Spock's side, running a medical tricorder over him and frowning. Nurse Chapel helped him lift Spock onto the examination table that Fred had just vacated. For several long moments, no one said anything, as McCoy peered intently at the medical readouts, his face a mask of perplexity. At last, he administered an injection, muttering "Well, I'm not sure this will help, but at least it can't hurt..."

"Bones!" Kirk was hovering anxiously over the unconscious form of his first officer. "What is it? What's the matter with him?"

  1. "I wish I could tell you, Jim. Something's affecting every system in his body, but I can't tell what."
  2. "I know it's completely impossible, but... he's pregnant!"
  3. "It's as if some alien consciousness were trying to infiltrate itself into his mind and all his physical resources were devoted to keeping it out."

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