Knot That! (Part 1)

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 1806

Fred runs like the wind down a side alleyway. Glancing back behind him he sees that while he's staying ahead of the gutter-punks who've decided to make his life . . . difficult, they're still near enough to be worrisome!

With that in mind, he wills his short little legs to move even MORE quickly as he turns back, only to barely register the pail of garbage that some kitchen worker from one of the more disreputable taverns was about to dump into a pile in the alley.

He (or rather his head) runs right INTO the bucket before the kitchen hand can dump it's contents, knocking him cold (and startling the young man in the process).

Looking bad for our hero here, but wait!

The local toughs are grinning, congratulating themselves on their luck upon seeing what has befallen Fred, only to feel the hair on their necks stand on end when . . .

  1. "What are you doing back here?" a gravelly voice asks slowly. "Perhaps to finally pay your bar tab, maybe?"

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