Brushing off a brush off...

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 18010

At any rate, my red-headed counterpart and I quickly fill in the situation for those who missed the earlier discussion with Sisko.......and head on up to the bridge, so as not to miss any of the action!


As we are all are heading up to the bridge in the turbo-lift (rather crowded in here), I can almost hear Inquirer muttering to herself about being a day late and a dollar short one too many times here to her liking.

Oh, I can feel for her, actually. She's the type that usually is on top of things and like being on top of things, and here she is. Twice in one day somebody had gotten the drop on her, more or less. First time, according to her, she'd been blindsided by the "Mistress" (boy, she does love calling that feminized Master that) (re: 17974). She survived that, no problem (well....besides getting intoxicated from the Tissue Compression Elimintator's ray, no problem). Then, Arne Darvin goes and.....

Oh, I can see she's annoyed. Comes from her being in the intelligence service and getting caught flat footed...blindsided like this. See, if Darvin had waited for a few more minutes, she'd had gotten at least a clue from me and Betty that Darvin was more than a mere nuisance to Sisko. Hm, maybe if Sisko hadn't assumed that Inquirer and the Doctor had known about Darvin (i.e. thought that either I and Ragan had told them), he'd have given a fuller message to her than "We've got Darvin now."

All in all, a lot of missed opportunities and plain bad luck....and Inquirer is just a bit annoyed right now.

"They'll be water if the Creator wills it," she sighs, and then shrugs, apparently getting over it and moving on to the task at hand.

Nice to see that she doesn't dwell overly long on things that she can't help....

Well, just the same it just goes to show you that while I and my sister are thrilled about being dragged into the live version of "Trials and Tribble-ations", not everyone of the group feels exactly the same way. The Doctor looks intrigued. Most of the elves look excited at the upcoming challenge. Sigin looks reserved (sometimes have a problem reading him). B'Elanna looks....put upon (oops, just remembered what she'd been before becoming an elf....Klingons and tribbles....oops). As for the others....

"I do believe that you Earthfolk have a saying about....interesting times like this?" Gladia asks the others softly as we exit onto the bridge, "Something about as in the Chinese sense of the word?"

"You....might say that," I say back, nodding.

That's when one of the busy crewmembers glances up from where he's at, working on something on a console.

"Now is probably not a good time to be up here," the crewmember begins, trying to shoo us back out of that busy place.

I open my mouth to say something (some of the others look the same way....we know we can help so much here). However, one of our group beats us all to the punch.

"I beg your pardon," Gladia says firmly and loudly, "Now is a perfect time!

  1. Everyone then pauses, looking directly at her.

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