Bandwidth Limitations for Fake Phantasms...

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 18008

"I'm made of sterner stuff than that," Exotica protests.


"Well, not doubting that," I say, soothing the princess' ruffled feathers, "But while you could probably stomach it, but there are limits to what you'll see with the input visor"

I step in front of the ghastly holograph of Exotica is it flickers, symbolizing that she'd activated the feature of her camera and was now looking through the emitter.

A perplexed look crosses her features as she first looks at me and then at the magical mirror (a more reliable link than the magical collar of mine) that we'd been using for that conversation a bit earlier (re: 17950).

"I'm rather surprised of the low quality of the images I'm seeing with this 'science' based apparatus," she says, "Indeed, a first year apprentice could do better!"

"But I dare you to try the same trick with you magic," Eric Jone's voice says through Jarlath's Key, a slightly challenging tone in his voice (mixed with a slightly affronted tone as well).

Cederick blinks, almost dizzy when he realizes just how far away that voice really is.....

"See, the rig your using is primarily for recording," Eric explains, reigning in his annoyance, "While I was able to adapt it for your purposes and it will serve your purposes, that camera is not in the same class as what we use in Avatar units."

He mutters about wishing he'd kept those salvaged neutrino relays he'd come across a few years earlier (leftovers from when the Enemy/Alliance war touched Terra Prime, used to relay signals to control Avatar units into caverns where the adamantium otherwise fritzed up the signal). That would have made the video and audio inputs back from the emitter..

I remember him saying it would be a grainy, low quality picture through the visor due to bandwidth limitations. Also, due to not wishing to strain the broadcasting capabilities he'd jury rigged , the emitter was only sending back a picture of itself (not the image it was sending).

Also, the audio was of low quality with the video feed active. Something along the lines of an old, 20th century (his world's 20th century) AM radio.

That said, it's just as well for the video input. As it is the image of this fake phantasm is rather....revolting. Rather glad I chose not to eat anything before this. I'm no stranger to violence or the results of violence, but I do believe that Jarlath outdid himself this time!

So we bid each other ado and go....

Later, after I and the others had successfully snuck into Emry's castle through a secret passageway.....

.....after knocking out some of the guards that were on patrol down there we then activate holo-emitter, bringing Exotica here to us in the holographic flesh.

"I still say we should have just teleported here via Crystallic," Exotica mutters over to Synizn.

"Believe me.....while I would usually agree with you, princess, I'd rather hate to think of the gory results of my brother mistook his calculations and had us materialize within solid stone underground," the dragon mage said back softly, "He had problems enough accomplishing the teleport of the non-living equipment out in the relatively open air of the surface....

"Well, technical problems aside," Astra (ever the practical one) whispers, interrupting before more chatter ate up time, "We've got a queen to rescue and Exotica has a castle to as to distract and scare the guards to make it easier for us in our tasks."

  1. With a nod, Exotica goes off (after activating another feature on the emitter, making it invisible).

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