Tech Levels and Such

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 18003

"It's for you," Jenny says, handing it to Eric, "Something about a holographic rig?"


As my father is speaking with those on the other end of the line I see that my daughter, one that had come to Terra Prime in response to intercepting her mother's mental cry of distress..... Well, she's trying to explain to her "sisters" (goodness, no sooner than start getting used to seeing a long lost child of mine I must adjust to seeing multiple copies of her) that there is actually somebody talking to my father on the other side. She's able to more or less answer their initial question, but more come on the heels of that. I can see that she, being so new to technology, is having a hard time answering the new questions so I feel it's my duty to step in and explain.

See, the sooner my can come to understand about technology, the sooner they'll be able to adjust to the new reality that they're going to be living in here. See, even though most of my daughters have already laid down roots back in Xanth and will soon return there....with their husbands (still would like to meet these werewolf princess) .....those lands were going to be touched more and more by technology. This will be a first step to giving them a leg up. Now, I could spend a LONG time giving a verbal, imprecise lecture on the ins and outs of technology (a primer, if you will) or I could just Send it in a matter of seconds!

Not being an utter fool and wishing to save my vocal chords the strain, I Send it, and the transference goes well enough. However, I notice that the reception is particularly clear and strong with the Jenny who'd come out of Xanth to aid her mother....

Makes me wonder what will blossom within her over the coming years. Indeed, there are some marked differences, according to the Voyager's Doctor, in comparison to her other "sisters". Things like her eyesight has become very acute, and she no longer needs eyeglasses. Heck, it's even better now than what I enjoyed back when I was in my old elfin body (back before those humans had put out one of my eyes.....leading up to my old tribal name: One Eye)! Definitely better by far than the only other elf with the blood and tissue given to them back on the now vanished World of Two Moons, Rayek (that one's eyesight is.....poor). Many things have happened here, and I do believe that much more will perhaps crop up.

Remains to be seen.

That said, some of the Jennies are shaking their head, muttering about the influx of information when.....

Eric Jones

"Son, please get the spare holographic camera out and bring it here?" I ask my son as I pause in my talks with Jarlath and pull out my PDA.

It had been brought here to record that one special upcoming wedding.....

"I do hope you're not going to ask me for the Doctor's spare holo-emitter," the vixen Janeway says, a little put off by what she thinks will come next from what she'd overheard of the conversation.

The other Janeway and the Nantucket Council members, limited only to human hearing, hadn't heard enough to jump to any conclusions, and look surprised.

Obviously, she thought I was going to somehow tie that emitter to the broadcasting that the holo-camera was able to do.

"Actually, I wasn't going to do that." I say, pointing to one of the more exotic components of my PDA that I'd just popped open, "Recognize this?"

The Janeways mouths drop open in shock. I knew it probably would happen that way.

See, back when that one "UFO" (actually a time dislocated Ferengi shuttlecraft) had crashed in Roswell, a lot of "goodies" had been in it's illicit cargo had been really messed up beyond recognition.

Some of it was salvagable, however.

Some of it was rather dark tech (i.e. once we learned what it was we....wish we hadn't). Some things so dark that when Quark, the new Gran Vegus of the Ferengi Consortium, refused the gold pressed latinum! That's how bad it was.

However, some of it well in advance (29th century advanced) of the 24th century norm of the Star Trek universe.

One small thing being an item that we were able to cipher out (after a LOT of research and manhours) was a holo-emitter that those of this Voyager still wasn't totally clear on.

  1. Moments later, the holo-emitter gets teleported to Jarlath's group while the holo-camera gets teleported (via Crystallic) to Exotica....

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