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The Never Ending Quest - Episode 1780

Fred is found three weeks later by some shepards. He is buck naked and keeps mumbling about needing a break.
He is taken into town and deposited into the local sanitorium. Many nuns of the Order Of The Warrior Princesses take good care of Fred.
He can't do much more then use the facillities by himself, eat his own food and play point gaurd on the intermural basketball team. Pretty much anything else has to be done for him.
A year and three days pass.

  1. The King, visiting on a goodwill tour, recognizes Fred.
  2. Fred perishes from a plague.
  3. Fred regains his sanity.
  4. The asylum is beset by evil forces. Fred fights. And fights well.
  5. Fred falls in love.
  6. Fred declares that the courtyard hates him and the spoons in the kitchen want to annoy him.

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