Combine "The Magnificent Seven" with "Fantasia".....

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 17498


"We do make a rather odd sight, eh?" I chuckle to myself, tail wagging a little in mirth.

Indeed, I admit that I probably look a bit right now. You know that the skin can take on odd cast when illuminated by certain sources of light (things like TV screens and such)? An unhealthy cast? Well, my skin takes on an almost....human cast to it. It's a coloration that's....not considered healthy by demifox standards (if you'll forgive me for saying that). Seems that I'm one of the lucky ten percent of the demifox population that that happens to whenever they use magic. Some theorize it harkens back to our human origins (remember, while the demifox race had originally been a natural race....Minestus had driven it to extinction and replaced it with accursed human beings changed into demifox form by neo-lycanthropy). Usually, I have the regular ruby hue of the demifox (and am very comfortable with it, thanks).

Whatever the case right now, with the glowing ball of magical energy in my hand (just awaiting to be thrown), I look more like a young human child with fox ears and tail than a regular demifox lass.

Drawing a bit more attention than the other six members of our impromptu defensive lines right now (the satyres are in the lines back behind us, armed farming implements They'd have been in the front lines, except they are not armed adequately for that....nor are they wearing armor) .....

"What is this?!" the leader of these soldiers shouts, pointing at us.

The leader then goes deathly quiet (and pale) when he sees the man standing behind me. I get the distinct impression that this soldier wasn't expecting to see him.

"I take it that Embry didn't say anything about mages, Sir Thiortin?" Cederick shouts from behind us.

"Oh boy," I mutter as Sir Thiortin screams "Havoc!" and attacks.

Apparently, whoever "Sir Thiortin" and his gang is in reality (though I have suspicions), I imagine that by the frenzy that they attack us in is due in part in fear of Cederick. I get the feeling as we join in battle that if Cederick should get away and Embry finds out, that they were dead men!

Were these thugs in the employment of the dragonand out for revenge like what happened to me in my home world (re: 12113)? Or where they instead troops disguised as the dragon's minions, who had been waiting for Fred (just in case) to emerge from the Southern Caves, tracking him down soon afterwards to kill him (and making the crime look like the work of any surviving dragon minions)? Questions I and the others will ask him later, I think as I unleash the spellbolt full into the chest of "Sir Thiortin".

The results, as one could expect, are rather....gory....

  1. Do hope that at least one of our opponents survives so we can ask him questions.....

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