
The Never Ending Quest - Episode 17393

"Hey, thanks for waking me up! Help me bust out of here, could you?"

Fred just stared. "I just got here! I don't know how to get out!"

"Boy, this IS your first time, isn't it? I'm Ough Diferous. Who are you?"

Fred agreed. The man WAS odiferous, but nothing more was said on the subject. "I'm Lord Fredrigo D'Honaire."

  1. "OK... follow me! Let's get out!"
  2. "Cool name... does it mean anything?"
  3. "All right, now that we've been introduced, how do we get out?"
  4. "Fred? THE Lord Fred? Don't you remember me?"
  5. "Fredrigo? YOU'RE Fred? AIEEE!" The man takes off running.

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