At the Wedding...

The Never Ending Quest - Episode 17065


(Note: I'd like to thank Betty for the aid she gave in her emails with all those questions I'd ask. Without it, this episode would be poorer for the lack).

The others are awoken. Some come rather violently awake, due to the last thing they remember was getting shot (i.e. fight/flight reflexes in action). After Blake and Avon calm them down and convince them they are in no danger (the efforts of Blake being more effective on some of the crew than those of Avon), Gilmuriel and B'Elanna take them over to the replicator that the former Klingon (now elf) engineer had been able to cobble together and replicate them all some new clothing. Several of those of Blake's crew blink at the display of high technology, and some hide whatever feeling they have on the matter. In turn, the elves hide whatever opinion they have on some of their guests taste in clothing.

At least, they didn't voice those opinions aloud....

I have just got to say that I had thought Ragan's sleeves were big, B'Elanna sighs, looking up at Blake, But you can hide major planets in those things! That and....I find that that style looks better on her than him.

Well, tastes differ from reality to reality, Gilmuriel temporized, not sure what to make of Blake's choice of dress.

As an elf, his tastes now tended to border on the extravagant himself in dress. Couldn't begrudge a man for dressing in a flashy manner.....

"But where are we going Blake?" Vila asks, curious.

Still a bit tired and dragged out from recent ordeals, his usual style he'd perhaps use isn't used then and there.

"Would you believe a wedding, Vila?" Avon asks, a slightly ironic tone his voice.

At first he'd sneered at the rather ridiculous suggestion of where this meeting was going to take place...... Then again, Avon sneered at everything.....

"A wedding?" the others asks blankly.

"That is what the man in the leather and silver studs said, ladies and gentlemen," Gilmuriel said, a chuckle in his voice.

There was just something that was so funny about the befuddled looks those of Blakes crew had on there face that tickled his elfin funny bone....

His and his wife, in truth.

Meanwhile, back by the Control Column of the TARDIS....

"I just wish I knew what exactly to use for a proper wedding gift," the Doctor sighs, entering into the column Terra Prime's coordinates.

"Pardon?" Leela, not familiar with certain wedding customs of other worlds, "One's supposed to give gifts at a wedding? Why not just sing songs of praise and well wishes like back from where I'm from? That's what I'm planning on doing."

"Well, I'm sure they'll love that.....but I was looking for something bit more traditional," the Time Lord said, pulling out that blue crystal, "At the last wedding I attended, I had been in a rush so gave this to the bride.....

And later on the Honeymoon night the master murdered her and her husband, the Doctor added to himself in anger.

"And now that I know of what the spiders want with it I can't very well give it to Evis 7 and Probe for their wedding!" the Doctor sighs, making a move to smash it....only to have Sigin stop him.

"The neural imprints and such that the spiders had on it were erased by me soon after I cured Xoanon," the dragon mage said softly, "Why did you think I didn't return it to you right upon you awakening?"

"Well I....," the Doctor begins, and blinks, "I'd thought you had been not wishing to needless things. I had been a bit shaky there, still."

"Hmm, and the curative properties are still intact despite all that?" Inquirer asked, looking over at the glittering crystal, "Sure that my father, the new mage, will really go for that."

The fact that Probe's magical abilities had blossomed while she'd been away, and what happened upon their blossoming, still amazed her. Her father find the crystal rather interesting, she was sure.

The others had been able to come up with impromptu wedding gifts of their own, so when the TARDIS landed (only an hour before the wedding) things were almost taken care of. Avon in particular was fuming over the delay that this wedding represented in getting much needed aid in bringing down his Federation, until.....

"The groom is one of my contacts, Avon." Inquirer said in a neutral voice, "That rather large fellow over there by the woman with the glowing skin. Care to try to tell him to hurry things up?"

Avon, looking, saw the rather muscular looking guy and decided not to rush things after all. Discretion, valor, and all that....

Do have to wonder what those glowing gems are on his and Inquirer's forehead, he thinks to himself, almost instinctively tallying what he could get on the market for them.

The others hadn't spoken about Golems with Blake's crew, yet.

As for Avon, one thing about Avon's character was that he was greedy. That and a few other things that needn't be gone into right now.

Vila, meanwhile, has found the refreshments and is getting....pleasantly buzzed. The ones known as Ragan, Betty, the Doctor, and Inquirer had gone to greet the bride, as per what this style of wedding called for (despite Inquirer equally wanting to speak with her father as well as her mother). That and Inquirer's friends (especially Betty and Ragan) were curious about Inquirer's mother. So, Vila had been able to slip away and mingle with the crowd (and what an....odd crowd it was). Now, the rather beautiful woman with that glowing skin had caught his attention. Her beauty (and her jewels) were calling to him.

When he approached, he hadn't expected her response.

Diana Walker had heard of the Doctor's (Dr. Who) returned. Not only returned, but rumor had it that he'd brought some friends that her friends recognized from the TV show! So, upon seeing Vila.....

"Goudry!" she called out to the startled man, "Blimey! I hadn't you to catch a ride with the Doctor after fixing things on Pluto!"

She remembered her Doctor Who and thought that the thief was that rebel fighter from the episode The Sunmakers.

Vila was taken aback not only for being mistaken for someone else, but the rather thick Cockney accent this woman had. Also, who nowadays uses words like "blimey?"

She sounds like that bad old vid I once saw back on Earth, he thinks to himself through the alcoholic haze he had. He didn't fear revealing his identity (and somebody coming to collect on the price on his head. He'd believed Blake about this strange business about parallel worlds and such. Frankly he'd rather believe Blake more about anything nowadays that Avon....on any matter after the SOB tried to throw him through that air lock....

"Who's Goudry?" Vila asked, blinking, "Name's Vila. Vila Restal."

As luck would have it, Blake and the others had drifted over this way when they'd seen Vila approach Probe and Walker. Frankly, they didn't want anything to upset their potential aid....if there was aid to be had (and Blake actually took it).

They didn't want Vila's drunkenness to queer things for them.

"The Vila from that one old TV show, Blake 7?" Diana blurts out before seeing the others.

"Pardon?" Blake asks.

Probe and Diana look at each other.

"Oh b***er," Walker sighs, realizing that she'd stepped in it with this one.

Sometimes even the best get caught flat footed.....

As Diana slowly and softly explained the situation, Probe was breaking with wedding tradition and using his communicator to speak with Evis 7 after contacting one particular Walants lawyer who'd had the foresight to engage a similar situation, earlier.

In a side room....

Betty and the others were finally getting to see Inquirer's mother. There were certain characteristics in common between the two. A certain calmness and collected-ness. However, Evis 7 also had an air of....almost being a kind, wise matron. She looked rather stunning in her wedding dress.... That and she was also a big believer in going into a combat situation being heavily armed. She told of her business of cobbling together a makeshift railgun from various spare parts in the TARDIS she'd ridden in to rescue Fred 8.

"Well, I could have made a Stinger missile but that would be overdoing it," she finishes up.

She then pauses as a communicator she had nearby begins to chirp. She smiles and excuses herself to speak with whoever.

The others (except for Inquirer) wonder what it's all about. Inquirer can hear the conversation....

"Shit," Inquirer sighs, rolling her eyes in disgust a few seconds before Evis comes back.

The latino looking Golem has a slightly bemused look on her face.

"Dear," she asks, taking and holding Ragan's hands gently in her own as she looks earnestly into the red headed woman's eyes, "I'd like your opinion on how the Blake's 7 people will react when they finally learn about their lives having been chronicled on a low budget BBC TV show?"

  1. Betty and Ragan look at each other....

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